The Ordinary Tribunal has a President, one Vice-President, and ten judges. There are four defenders of bond, two promoters of Justice and one notary. There are also advocates accredited to the Major Archiepiscopal Tribunal. All the judges and defenders of bond of the Major Archiepiscopal Ordinary Tribunal have the degree of doctorate in Canon Law. Most of the tribunal members have other ecclesiastical offices.
Tribunal Ministers

Fr. Thomas Adoppillil

Fr. Joseph Mukaleparambil
Fr. Jose Pathiyamoola MCBS
Fr. James Thalachelloorr
Fr. Varghese Palathingal
Fr. Jose Marattil
Fr. John Kochupurackal CST
Fr. Mathew Changankary
Fr. Joseph Thoompunkal
Fr. Thomas Thengumpally
Fr. Berchmans Kodackal
Fr. George Puthumanamoozhyil
Defenders of bond
Fr. Sebastian Muttamthottil MCBS
Fr. John Chennakuzhy
Fr. Joseph Velinjalil
Fr. Shijo Chirankandathil
Sr. Subha MSJ
- MOUNT ST. THOMAS, P.B.NO.3110, Kakkanad P.O. Kochi 682 030, KERALA, INDIA
- 0091- 484-2424768, 2424780, 6461269
- FAX: 0091- 484-2422727
Statutes of the Syro-Malabar Major Archiepiscopal Ordinary Tribunal
The major archiepiscopal tribunal is a collegiate tribunal, erected in accordance with c.1063 of CCEO on 1 September 1994, to exercise the ministry of justice within the territory of the Syro-Malabar Church. It serves especially as a tribunal of appeals from metropolitan tribunals, though it is competent also to adjudicate cases in the first instance according to the norm of law. It is subject not only to the vigilance of the supreme tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Rome, which watches over the exercise of justice in the Catholic Church all over the world in the name of the Roman Pontiff, but also to the immediate vigilance of the general moderator of the administration of justice of the Syro-Malabar Church in accordance with c.1062 of CCEO and the norms of the statutes of the superior tribunal of the Syro-Malabar Church.